
Why Join LinkedIn?

It's the world's largest social network for professionals. On LinkedIn, you have free access to the following (and more):

How do you get started?

Explore the "How do I create a good LinkedIn profile" resource. Use a great photo and an updated resume to set up your profile. Once your profile is set up, then connect with everyone you know. 

To maximize the success of your profile, review tips on the articles listed below and set up an appointment with a Career Advisor for additional pointers.

Need a professional photo?

Book your Professional Photo session on TritonTrack.

Introducing yourself to an EC alumni on Linkedin

The goal of a LinkedIn introduction is to briefly state who you are and why you’re reaching out to the recipient. InMail (LinkedIn’s messaging feature) has a 300-character limit, which may inhibit your ability to sustain a meaningful conversation. 

Additionally, if you are using LinkedIn for free and are not paying for a LinkedIn Premium account, you aren't able to message people you're not connected with. A great workaround is to request to connect and add a note.

Below is an example of how you might structure an introduction to an Eckerd alum:

Hello, (Name)

I just graduated from Eckerd with a major in Psychology and a minor in Spanish. I recently moved to Minneapolis and found your contacts while trying to connect with alumni in the area. I'd be interested to learn more about your career path and (insert what else you’d like to know here). Would you be willing to connect via phone or video call? 

While your end-goal in reaching out to an alum may be to find out if they know of any job opportunities, avoid framing your message this way. Instead, make it about establishing a personal connection. Remember to graciously thank any networking contacts for the time and expertise they offer you.